Hotel aurora station and restaurant

Hotel aurora station and restaurant
Hotel aurora station and restaurant
Hotel aurora station and restaurant
Hotel aurora station and restaurant
Hotel aurora station and restaurant
Hotel aurora station and restaurant
Hotel aurora station and restaurant
Hotel aurora station and restaurant
Hotel aurora station and restaurant
Hotel aurora station and restaurant
Hotel aurora station and restaurant
Hotel aurora station and restaurant
Hotel aurora station and restaurant
Hotel aurora station and restaurant
Phone Number: +9779857014951
Amenities Available: Air Conditioning, Breakfast, EV Charging, Hot water, Parking, Scenic View, TV, Washer, Wifi
Bedroom: 7
Bathroom: 7

Situated on East West Highway (70 K.M. west from Butwal, Nepal) with facility of EV charging.

Deluxe room – 2000/-
Triple bed – 2500/-
Double bed – 1500/-



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